It's a great day for planning, detail work, and putting final touches on your existing projects. While at work you can depend on co-workers to be helpful. Back at home, family members and friends could lend their helpful hands too. You'll be more interested in the camaraderie than the actual tasks, so take every opportunity to turn the hours ahead into a social event. Good conversation can be the thing that makes your day fly by. The fun could continue past quitting time and develop into a party.

The stars will be aligned in an unusual way for you today and it's possible that you could work against your own best interests. Use caution while at work because there's potential for confusion and misunderstandings that would result in unexpected delays. You might accept assignments that are challenging to fulfill in the timeline allowed or those that are beyond your expertise or that of your co-workers. Also double check all financial transactions for errors, especially if you make spontaneous purchases in a public place

The Sun will meet your Mercury sign ruler today. It's a cosmic signature for making good connections with prominent people in your community and beyond. They are likely to be professionals in publishing, education, religious institutions, law, international affairs, as well as cutting edge cultural activities. The meeting will take place in Aquarius, which brings humanitarian causes and politics to the forefront. Make good use of the time you spend rubbing elbows with big decisions makers now!

Your moon ruler begins the day in optimistic Leo and will highlight your fine management skills. Begin by taking care of your own finances: Develop a clear understanding of your accounts with banks and credit card companies. After lunch will be the best time to concentrate on your employer's personnel and other resources. Make phone calls and personal visits with local clients and customers. You'll have a full grasp of all the details necessary to succeed in sales and other kinds of commerce

You'll aim to please your business and personal partners today. You'll take a leadership role and necessary arrangements for everyone involved. At work, you'll represent the interests of your employer. At home, you may be overly generous some of the time but protective of your financial interests. This may not serve you well: Try to present a consistent message to family members who might think you mean "yes" when you really mean "no" to questions like, "Can we really buy a St. Bernard?"

Your Mercury sign ruler will be in a tight aspect with the Sun today so you'll catch some of the Sun's optimism and energy. It's a fine time to begin a new health care routine with a positive attitude that will ensure your success. The universe might arrange for you to also hear just the right words needed to motivate you to make positive changes in other areas of your life now. You may discover inspiring daily work as an employee or volunteer that greatly enhances your well being.

The stars hint that you'll be willing to let your business and personal partners set the agenda today and for the following three weeks. This may not always be in your own best interests, so consider the potential outcomes carefully before agreeing to permanent arrangements. Your interest in building good relationships requires give and take by both parties. Be sure the others involved understand what you need to be able to stay in a partnership of equals. First you need to clarify this for yourself.

Some of your responsibilities at home and with family can become lighter today. This will free you up to make new friends at work and in volunteer settings. One aspect of your job could end now so that another can begin. This afternoon will be a good time to expand your intellectual and spiritual horizons in new and unexpected directions. This will be likely to be through new educational opportunities or exposure to individuals and groups from different cultural backgrounds than your own.

You may feel more adventurous than usual today, especially in your social life. If you're not in a committed relationship, there's cosmic potential for you to meet someone special while going about your daily work. It may or may not be a mutual attraction but you'll consider getting involved with a dynamic but very independent person. This will take your mind off significant personal developments, family, and money issues that you're focused on. Some of these will be confusing and challenging to sort out.

You could feel detached or disinterested in your daily work and pull back from the emotional involvement of your job. Your personal activities may become more important to you at this time. The stars suggest a similar withdrawal could occur with one of your parents and in other aspects of your public life. Your financial situation can come up for review as you take a time out to search for more security in that area and also to build dependable relationships.

Your Saturn sign ruler will be in retrograde motion today and may generate strong feelings of nostalgia. You might arrange to go to your high school reunion, visit the old neighborhood, or attend the faith community of your childhood. Relationships of all kinds can feel even more important than usual now and you'll make a concerted effort to get in touch with friends and co-workers from the past. Some that have moved on or away could also contact you, including an old flame..

A financial matter that concerns you may turn out to be nothing to worry about. Your cash flow can be increased now because of a good investment, tax refund, or inheritance. However, don't spend it for a few days: There may be a surprise expense connected with the distribution. You'll build relationships tonight through long private phone conversations with old friends and meeting new ones online. One Internet buddy may seem intriguing but elusive when it comes to providing reliable personal details
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