Minor difficulties over money could put you in a state of frustration. The problems aren’t Earthshaking, but they still need to be handled and could take up a lot of time that you’d rather spend doing something else. Giving in to your frustration could waste more time than simply handling the situation and moving on, however. Try to keep your cool, Aries. Take your problems in both hands, resolve them, and move on.

An argument with your partner could have you feeling very disheartened and somewhat depressed today, Taurus. Yet you probably are too shaken up to feel like discussing it with him or her. Spend the day keeping yourself busy and working off your frustration. Forget about it for a while, Taurus. This should enable you to see the situation more objectively, so that you'll be in the proper frame of mind to kiss and make up when the evening comes.

You might wake up this morning feeling a little less than your usual self, Gemini, and you might not be able to figure out why. There could be some sort of minor physical imbalance or you might be suffering from eyestrain. This could put you a little out of sorts with yourself and everyone else, particularly if you’re stressed about work responsibilities.

Today, Cancer, you might find yourself getting more irritated than you usually would at the quirks of friends, colleagues, partners, and children. Nerves could be frayed and tempers around you frazzled. At times like this it's best to remain centered and make the effort to be your usual warm and friendly self.

Temporary difficulties at home might cause you to want to stay and resolve them rather than go to work or anywhere else. However, Leo, career matters may also be pressing, so you're likely to be in a bit of a quandary. At this time, the wisest decision is likely to be to take care of your personal life first. Professional matters will still be waiting for you tomorrow

Some rather unsettling communications could come your way today, perhaps from out of state. This isn't likely to be anything serious, Virgo, but it could be enough to put your nose a little out of joint. Changes in your neighborhood might interfere with your daily routine. A neighbor or relative could be ill and you might feel obligated to help them out a little.

Some minor money matters may need to be handled today, Libra, and you might find this irritating as you probably have other things you'd rather do. The situation could cause some petty friction with family members, but that will pass. However, you'll be able to muster all your innate skills and get the money matters handled, which will leave the rest of the day to do what you want. Hang in there.

The healing of a temporary rift with your partner is likely to take place today, with a lot of honest communication and more apologies than are necessary. You might find that a lot of issues have come out in the open and that there is a new understanding between the two of you.

The desire to go off by yourself and enjoy a little solitude is likely to be in conflict with the reality of your obligations today, Sagittarius. You could find yourself spacing out at times and unable to concentrate on any tasks at hand, so try to stay focused. Some irritating letters or phone calls could come your way, but nothing that you can't deal with. See an exciting movie tonight.

Don't expect any creative projects to go smoothly today, Capricorn. You could experience mental blocks that you find difficult to get beyond. Don't let it get to you. The blocks will pass. Just put the project aside and get back to it later. A phone call from a friend might bring some disconcerting news that could cause you to want to pass it on to others. Before you do, make sure you have the facts straight.

Obligations to others could incline you toward staying home today, Aquarius, but important career issues could pull you in to work. This could cause some inner conflict, and you may have to face a choice. Only you can make that choice, but take care to be objective and take all the facts into consideration. Don't get yourself all emotionally worked up.

Today you’re likely to feel torn in two different directions, Pisces. A part of you could want to sequester yourself somewhere and read, while another part of you feels that you should get out, go somewhere, and do something. You may be more impatient than usual with squabbles between colleagues or family members.
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