You could find yourself working hard to achieve your goals. There will be wonderfully complex energies between your house of income and your house other people's money. As a result, you might put in long hours to satisfy a particular client or establishment. This would be a marvelous time for wrapping up these projects and seeing what the final result looks like. Your dedication and hard work could put you in line for a bonus.

All forms of collaboration will be favored during this time. The current theme could be about working well with others since your house of professionalism will play host to a series of supportive planets. Whether that means brainstorming new plans or simply trading skills with another, you likely will do well in situations such as these. You also could exhibit a rather serious dedication to a joint project, which should bode well for the end result. This might be a good time to exert yourself with confidence.

The tone of this time should be about work, primarily. You will have a lot of very supportive planets moving through your house of occupation so the timing would be ideal for that sort of focus. It could be a time of expansion of your role or perhaps taking some of your clients or customers in a new direction. You could expect rather lively input from your family members, who might be perfectly willing to make suggestions, whether you want them or not..

This would be an excellent time for traveling or any sort of enlightening adventure. Your house of expansion will host a collection of planets that will help provide illumination and intrigue. Even if you never leave your house, the ideas may be out and about. Armchair travel can be entertaining as well. In any case, you would do well if you can find a method to wander in some form. Pack your bags or pack your mind with ideas

A side trip could do wonders for you and your family. Perhaps a simple jaunt to the movies or a local theatrical production would do the trick. Your house of enlightenment will have support for pleasing and intellectual activities. It might be wise to keep the topic light, so a comedy or a music or dance offering might fit the bill. This could be a warm time to enjoy together, especially with those you care about the most.

This could be an especially powerful moment to immerse yourself in spiritual topics. Your house of the mystical, untouchable, and the occult will have a collection of planets that could aid in that exercise. All of these unusual and extraordinary topics may appeal to you. Basically, anything that is unusual or esoteric likely will feel right to you. You could view these urges as a means to broaden your life experience by delving just a little bit deeper.

This could be a marvelous day for lounging. It may not be like you to be lazy, but today that theme may seem to fit your mood. It would be fabulous to share it with someone close to you as the moment feels like one to savor. It may be that you will arrange to meet for a couples massage or simply attend a relaxing yoga class together. The more out of the ordinary your method is, the greater the reward could be

This might be a marvelous time to roll up your sleeves and get busy with a creative project. Whether you redesign a website or launch one, you may be particularly adept at it. Your house of invention will burst with activity that could significantly aid you in your quest for expression. If you can infuse your output with an eye on the greater good of humanity - contributing to others - you may feel wonderfully appreciated.

An interesting switch or conversation may occur that involves your family and work. Perhaps you work at home or are trying to arrange that. You may want to fulfill a certain tangible obligation that can only occur after hours at home. This may an experience when the best work you do comes after hours; when you least expect it. This would be an ideal time to work with that energy and see what occurs

Despite the work you may have accomplished, you may feel as if you have more to go. That idea may hold great promise as you embrace the creative spirit involved in work. Your house of research appears quite active with the kind of planetary support that is fertile for creating new and exciting concepts, building projects, or other foundational outlets. This would be the time to seize the opportunity and run with it. You might get unexpected support from your family.

Finances may be your top priority, and rightfully so. You will have a lot of powerful energy moving through your house of income, so the time will be right for pursuing these types of activities. The financial picture may involve other people's money, so be mindful of the consequences of how and where you invest. Whatever you can do to research your investment strategy will be worth the time you put in. Your house of investigation will host unusual and supportive planets

The time may feel right for launching a new project or perhaps a piece of creative work. Maybe a journal of your experiences or a book about a particularly relevant topic would fit the bill. You will have great activity in your house of self, so it would be wise to take advantage of such timing. All of the activity around your house of self will be equally supported by your house of finances. It could benefit you in many ways.
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