Some wonderful news concerning money and career matters could come your way today, Aries. Your natural kindness and sympathy for others has led you to make some good friends who are also valuable business contacts. This is definitely paying off. Your aesthetic sense is at an all-time high, so this is a great day to start any creative projects that you have in mind. Success is definitely coming your way!

A minor conflict with a romantic partner in the morning is likely to end with a tearful reunion and much reassurance by mid-afternoon. The end of the day could find the two of you planning a romantic trip abroad, even down to the restaurants you want to try! Discussions of spiritual or psychic matters could also bring you closer together. All in all, it’s a tumultuous but romantic day.

Your intuition, imagination, and insight have served you well on the job, and should pay off soon. A raise, commission, or perhaps a chance to invest in the company could be offered to you. Your self-esteem will definitely receive a boost! You might also find that you’re growing even more intuitive than usual, and people are looking up to you because of it. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.

You can count on a very idyllic and romantic day today, Cancer. You’re feeling especially warm and sensual, and you tend to view the partner in your life through rose-colored glasses. He or she is very likely to regard you in the same way. If you've been longing for a dinner for two, complete with champagne, candlelight, and red roses, this is the day to go for it. And don't forget the violin music!

Someone who is a student of natural healing may come to visit you and share some ideas today. You tend to be interested in matters concerning health, and you might want to learn not only about herbs and nutrition but also spiritual healing. This is a good time to train your own healing abilities, Leo, as your sensitivity is high and you’re more able than usual to tune in to the healing energies.

Books and movies may inspire you to get involved in artistic activities. Your aesthetic sense is very high today, Virgo, and you may be drawing your inspiration from the higher realms. You might want to stroll through an art gallery or museum and try to sense the feelings of those from the past. A warm and loving letter or phone call could come from a romantic partner, elevating your mood even more. It’s a very emotionally gratifying day.

You could be feeling a bit flush today, Libra, and therefore you might decide to do a little work on your house. This is more likely to be redecorating than any major repairs, as you’re more into beauty right now than practical matters. Your aesthetic sense is very high, inspired from the higher realms, and therefore decorating decisions you make today are likely to be beautiful. Go to it!

You’re feeling especially psychically and mystically inclined today, Scorpio. You might want to read about such matters or attend a lecture or workshop given by someone in the field. Telepathic communications are coming your way. Don't be surprised if more than once during the course of the day you and another say the same thing at the same time.

You’re usually a very practical and down-to-Earth person, but today you may be more inclined than usual toward mysticism. Spiritual matters seem extremely appealing, and you could find yourself gravitating toward metaphysical bookstores or seeking discussions with people who are well versed in such matters. You also find your imagination working overtime.

Group activities involving meditation, psychic or spiritual topics, or artistic pursuits are probably very appealing to you right now, Capricorn. This is the perfect day to start a class or attend a lecture on such subjects. You could meet some interesting people who become close friends. You’re likely to feel a psychic bond with anyone you meet today

You’re normally a very intuitive person, and today you may experience clairvoyance that could rival Jeane Dixon’s. You could be feeling especially attuned to other planes, and your dreams are likely to be powerful and vivid. Use the messages you receive to inspire creative pursuits. Try your hand at painting, music, or poetry.

Your imagination is flying high today, Pisces. Your interest in mystical and metaphysical matters is at an all-time high, and you could find yourself strolling through New Age bookstores. Travel to distant places may seem especially appealing, and you might dream of flying to India, Israel, Egypt, or Ireland. This is all wonderful as long as you stay grounded. Plan a trip if you can. Join a meditation group.
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