There could be an authority figure that seems to thwart your efforts to get ahead, and if you take on a defensive posture, it will only work against you. Realize that this could simply be a case of needing to accept that this person has more power than you at the moment. If you can try your best to get this person to be your ally instead of your nemesis, then you'll go a long way toward your future success.

You might have a difficult time asserting your individuality and personal needs today - particularly as it relates to a legal or international matter you're a part of. There might be requirements or restrictions placed on you that make you feel uncomfortable. However, you'll understand that it's necessary for you to play by these rules in order to achieve a specific goal. As long as you continue to hold true to your personal morals and integrity, you'll be fine.

Frustration could mount as it relates to the pursuit of a personal aspiration, particularly if you're searching for funding to help make it happen. Although today might not be the ideal time to approach investors or lending institutions, it doesn't mean your goal isn't achievable. Consider all of your options and you might find an innovative solution that allows you to plan for success without having to owe a ton of money in the process.

Tension between you and a spouse or partner could build, particularly if either one of you feels a lack of support in your career or personal goals. Perhaps you and your mate are moving in two different directions and instead of facing this reality, you're internalizing any resentment. If this is the case, the only way to change the course of your relationship is through honest communication. Power struggles won't work - it will only serve to promote alienation between you.

A challenge to your beliefs by someone at work could inflame you. If this happens you might take on a defensive posture, which might only serve to add fuel to any potential office fire. Do your best to accept that not everyone will agree with your perspective. Although you need to share space with co-workers, you certainly can't expect to always share the same perspectives. As long as your colleague remains respectful about your differences, this shouldn't be a long-term problem.

It's probably not the best day to move forward in any risky or speculative investments. It's possible that you'll sense a brewing power struggle between you and whoever else is involved in this deal. Any suspicious behavior you see or feelings on your part should alert you to the possibility that all is not what it seems with this venture. Hold off until you can do more research or speak with trusted financial advisors.

A domestic squabble between you and your mate could be the focus of the day. It's possible that your partner will feel as if he or she isn't a priority in your life at the moment and in some respects this could be true. You both could have a pressing family issue that's taking up your energy and this might leave little time to devote to your relationship. Today your partner might feel it's getting out of hand and a change is called for..

The strength of your words might cause some trouble at the office today. Perhaps you'll voice your disagreements about how a vital project should go. If so, expect to encounter some resistance to your thoughts. It's also possible that you will come on so strong that you'll have the rest of your co-workers turning against you and your ideas altogether. Remember, diplomacy will be key. At the end of the day, this is a team project.

It could be a challenge for you not to engage in any power struggles with a child or sweetheart. Although you'll know intellectually that it'll be best for you to take the high road in this situation, that could be emotionally trying. Perhaps you're not feeling valued or appreciated by this person. On some level, you might even feel as if someone is using you for your resources. An honest conversation will be the only option to ameliorate this situation.

A relative might feel as if you're acting with too much force and personal intimidation as it pertains to a domestic situation. Indeed, with Pluto touring your identity sector, your potency and command is significant. On some level you might not even realize the magnetism and clout you exude. Do your best to maintain authority in the situation without pushing the rest of your clan away. It might be difficult but it won't be impossible.

Surreptitious communication might come out into light, much to your dismay. If there is any information you're trying to keep under wraps, today it will be important to be as discreet as possible in order to avoid an unintended slip. It might not be you personally who reveals anything, so be sure you can trust whomever you've shared this data with. Emotionally, this secret might become too much of a burden to keep much longer. Ask yourself why you're doing it.

There could be some trouble between you and a friend. It's possible that you'll feel as if your pal has crossed boundaries in your friendship and is at the point where he or she is taking more than you're comfortable with. You're a compassionate person by nature, but because of these qualities, it's far too easy for others to take advantage of your kindness. Today you'll need to be clear that your kindness is not weakness.
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