This week you can count on some hidden assistance in a career matter. On Monday and Tuesday it's possible that a powerful figure who wishes to remain behind the scenes will open a new and exciting door for you. Be sure to walk through it! By Friday your communication skills will reach new heights and you'll find it easier than ever to promote your ideas. Save your most vital pitch to a VIP for then - you'll be glad you did.

tauras If you have a media or broadcasting opportunity scheduled for early this week, you're in luck. Not only will you shine in the most brilliant way, you could also attract powerful opportunities for even more growth and publicity as a result of your initial appearance. On Friday, behind the scenes communication will become even more persuasive. Allow your best ideas to gel by scheduling some alone time to just sit with them without other distractions. You'll be amazed at what a difference this makes.

If you're searching for investment capital to fund a new business plan, Monday and Tuesday could be the best days to act. You will easily attract influential people toward you with the cash flow and clout to make a difference. On Friday, Mercury will enter your friendship sector and you could experience a vibrant boost in your social life. Exchanges with pals will be extra convivial and you might also receive plenty of invitations to parties and other social events.

It's possible that an influential person from overseas will become a prospective new business partner or VIP client. Early in the week you'll have incredible links between the part of your chart that rules Internationalism and your relationship sector, so be sure to maximize any potential. On Friday your voice will take on a new sense of leadership, which will surely impress authority figures. If you plan a meeting or important conversation, it will be difficult for anyone to refuse your ideas.

Your focus early in the week will likely be on a work project that requires some transformation. Luckily, you'll have plenty of energy at your disposal to rework any assignment in order to make it shine. On Friday your mind will be especially sharp if you need to study for any exam or certification test. You might even consider going back to school to hone your skills in a specific area.

It'll be an ideal week to work on a creative project with a partner. Make the most of your shared interests on Monday and Tuesday so you can enjoy recreation time together that inspires you and deepens your bond. On Friday your mind will likely begin to focus on joint financial matters. It's possible that you and your mate will have a conversation about handling your retirement or investments. An honest talk about what's "yours," "mine," and "ours" will do you both good.

This could be the perfect week to focus on that home organization project you've been meaning to get to. Whether it's cleaning out the attic or garage, or going through the clutter and donating what you don't need to charity, you'll feel an incredible sense of vitality and renewal as you let go of outworn bric-a-brac taking up your valuable personal space. On Friday you might find a lovely boost in communication between you and your mate. Enjoy it!

Early in the week you might have an intense conversation with a sweetheart or child that proves to be one of the best talks you've had in quite some time. The Sun will be at a gorgeous angle to Pluto, the planet of transformation, in your communication sector. Don't discount the power of your mind! In fact, on Friday you might excel at paperwork and organizing essential tasks. You'll know what's important to focus on.

There could be an exciting development this week as it relates to any family possessions or property. Perhaps you'll decide to have something appraised, such as a coin collection or antique furniture. Whatever this is, it's likely to have gone up in value, which will surely please you and your clan. Although you might not decide to sell it, it'll still be a nice feeling to finally know what these items are truly worth.

Your voice will have considerable command this week, so if you have any major speech planned you'll certainly impress your audience. In addition to this, your powers of negotiation will heighten and you could use this to your advantage if you planned to purchase a new car or some other big ticket item. By Friday you might hear from some out of town relatives and find out that you're not just having them over for dinner - you're hosting them for the weekend!

Consider all opportunities this week to spend time cultivating your hidden talents. You'll have an exceptional amount of discipline when it comes to focusing and developing any of your behind the scenes gifts - particularly on Monday and Tuesday. By Friday your attention will turn to communications matters. You'll have an extraordinary boost if you need to sign any contracts or make important decisions. Your mind will be motivated and your ideas are more likely to succeed.

Your social life could take on a greater depth this week, thanks to a combination of positive influences. Perhaps you'll attend a party or other event and will meet a powerful new acquaintance with the ability to help you move forward in achieving one of your greatest aspirations. This is exactly the kind of potency in store for you, so be sure to use it well. On Friday you won't shy away from endorsing your talents - which can only help you even more.
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