A tantalizing bit of information from a back-channel source may reach you today, and you may recognize a potentially lucrative opportunity. You should have enough time to do your research before it becomes necessary to take action. Your instincts likely will be good but not perfect, so, if anything gives you pause, try to exercise restraint. Your patience may reward you with a different and more reliable deal.

It appears that a friend may work behind the scenes on your behalf. As a result, you may be guided to reformulate your long-term goals and may consider taking a position in an organization that supports your career development. Because Jupiter will visit Taurus until almost mid-year, you likely will be pleased by the many opportunities for personal and professional growth that may come your way. Luck could be on your side, aided by your diligent work ethic.

Recognition for a job well done could come your way, thanks in part to your keen imagination and ability to look ahead when choosing the best time for action. A promotion or a career-altering job offer is not out of the question. You likely have kept abreast of the latest technological advances, and if you have a solid plan with regard to how these things may influence the goals where you work, you could enhance your image as a clever problem-solver.

You possibly could receive an assignment to take a short business trip, but if so, be prepared for the chance that you may need to stay on the road longer than initially anticipated. If you do, although you might wish you were home, you likely will thank your lucky stars, as the opportunity for professional advancement may be quite strong. You may end up being privy to invaluable information through an ambitious and talkative colleague.

A fresh financial start for you could be right around the corner. If you have applied for a new mortgage or are in the process of refinancing an existing home loan, you may receive terms that will make it easier for you to save money in the long run. You might have a smoother transaction with less confusion and fewer undesirable last-minute changes if you have all the paperwork signed within the next ten days.

Romance with your significant other might be high on your list of priorities, but you could be cautious in the way you view your relationship. Resources that you share with your partner may become unstable and might be the source of an unpleasant surprise. Remember to keep focused and keep the lines of communication open. It likely will work to your advantage if you practice discernment - it could be of immense benefit to you.

You possibly could take on additional work responsibility or a second job, as your work sector will hum with activity. The extra hours you spend at the office, however, may create a disruptive atmosphere with your closest relationship. Your significant other could feel especially needy and view your absence as neglectful. You may be able to maintain harmony with your love if you balance your priorities. A thoughtful note and a promise of special time in the near future likely will smooth unsettled waters.

An affectionate email or text message from a romantic interest or your significant other could add spice to your day. You may feel a bit playful and eager to reciprocate with a lighthearted response. This just might be a charmed evening for you if you invite your dear one on a spontaneous date. A quiet supper at a romantic spot will start your week on a sweet note.

You may receive more responsibility at your workplace, which could lead to a dramatic change in your financial status. An additional assignment may offer you a welcome outlet for your creative talents, but you might discover that you need to become more familiar with specialized technical equipment, and that may prove to be an unexpected challenge. A cozy evening at home with your family might be just the right balance after a productive but hectic day.

Someone at work may call upon your creative talent more often. You might demonstrate greater proficiency with your original ideas and projects. As you sharpen your skills, you might discover additional and practical applications for your output. At first, your work may not seem to benefit your professional status, and you may go through a period of frustrating trial and error. In the long run, however, you could realize that your efforts may lead to the recognition you deserve.

You might be preoccupied with your financial affairs, but you could hit an impasse. You may discover that you need to put a lot of effort into gathering unusual information before you can proceed. Timing likely will be critical. It could be a smart move to bring in a partner or a professional financial advisor to help you uncover the additional data. Many hands make light work - and potentially more money.

You might get more than your fair share of attention. There will be potential for you to discover an unusual source of income, and if you do, word likely will get out, and people will be eager to learn the secret to your financial success. If you have writing skills, authoring a book revealing your methods could provide even more funds. Or you might partner up with a writer. There appears to be plenty of money and spotlight to share.
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