Someone you work with might need a sympathetic shoulder to cry on today, Aries. Stresses on the job extend beyond everyone's capacity to endure, so don't be surprised if at some point a colleague sheds a few tears. You might find your patience pushed beyond its normal limits. On days like this it's best to work as quickly as you can, stay focused, and go for a drink after you leave work. Then have a nice walk home!

Children or possibly some close friends or a love interest could be upset today, Taurus. The financial coffers aren't full enough to afford something they think they absolutely have to have right now. You might find yourself having to soothe their feelings, reassuring them that "not now" doesn't necessarily mean "never." If they don't respond, don't keep pushing. They'll have to come to terms with the situation in their own way.

Worry about a family member may be on your mind today, Gemini. This person could be all wrought up over work, money, or possibly a love affair that's broken off. Say whatever reassuring words you can muster, but don't expect him or her to respond, and don't fall into the trap of feeling that your kind words were all in vain. They did register. It's just going to take this person a while to come to terms with the situation.

Uneasy feelings may be plaguing you throughout the day, Cancer. There could appear to be no valid reason for this. Everything seems to be going well for you, and no one close to you has anything heavy going on. It's probably nothing Earthshaking. You may just be intuitively picking up on the troubles and anxieties of people you pass on the street. Your intuition is high today, so you could psychically sense just about anything. Hang in there!

A friend, perhaps a woman, could well be upset or even angry with you today, Leo. Money might be involved in some way. There may be nothing you can do to reassure her at this time, so it's best to give what reassurances you can and then back off. Whatever has gone wrong, she's probably overreacting, and eventually she'll see that. In the meantime, you do what you can to work off your own anxieties. Hang in there!

Is your boss a woman, Virgo? If so, stay out of her way today. To put it mildly, she isn’t in a good mood. Work hard, be very sweet to everyone, and make copious use of your innate diplomacy. You may be on the receiving end of some sharp words, but by remaining focused and continuing your routine in your usual efficient manner, you should avoid any major blowups. Try to stay calm, and hope she goes home early!

Travel may cause more problems than it's worth today, Libra. You may forget some vital items when packing or there could be too little time to get everything ready. Your plane could be delayed or something valuable lost. Try to short-circuit potential problems. Use a checklist when packing, keep valuables close to you, and take lots of books and CDs in case you have to wait out a delay. In spite of it all, have fun!

Finances may cause an upset between you and a friend today, Scorpio. Perhaps this person owes you money and can't pay it back, or vice versa. If this is the case, try to work out some kind of arrangement that suits you both. There's always a way to create a win-win situation if you don't both get so angry that your objectivity is totally wiped out. Stay calm and focused and all should be well. Hang in there

A social event could put you in touch with someone who's carrying around a lot of bitterness and anger, Sagittarius. This probably won't be very pleasant for you, as this person could well see you as the perfect listening post for all their problems. Don't feel trapped! Be polite but make your excuses as soon as you can. There are other friends present whose company you'll enjoy a lot more!

The workplace could be very hectic today as a colleague prepares to leave on an important business trip, Capricorn. Nerves could be strained and tempers short. Try to stay focused and get everything necessary done without making yourself crazy. You may be the one who keeps everyone else from going crazy, although you might consider hiding in the closet yourself. Say a prayer of thanks when your colleague finally rides off in the taxi.

You may have a wonderful day today, Aquarius. Your imagination, intuition, and creativity are all high, and inspiration for new artistic works could be filling your heart and brain. You'll be all too happy to discuss your ideas with anyone who shows an interest. The one dark spot in the day might be that a child, close friend, or lover goes into a snit because he or she feels ignored. Don't worry. They’ll come out of it.

Your home could be a very busy place today, Pisces. Visitors could come and go throughout the day, probably annoying you at times. You might also find yourself having to soothe angry outbursts on the part of a member of your household. Take care, however, that this person's problem doesn't get you so inflamed that you go into a fit of anger, too. Try to stay calm and focused and you'll get through the day.
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