Your house of transitions will have a lot of supportive activity, and you could be in the midst of wrapping up a very successful campaign or project. Of course, with an ending there will be a new start with an equal amount of energy. If you love new ideas and projects, use this time to redouble your efforts and gain insight from others. Your partner might have a solid idea that may require work, but it could be worthy nonetheless.

This may be a time of great confidence and assertiveness for you. You will have great activity in your house of self, and others may look up to you and your opinions. This would be a perfect time to push forward your projects and ideas, as they most likely will be well received. This also would be a good time to stand out in your group and take charge. Others may help you get there but your motivation may be the key to getting things done.

You could find yourself completely wrapped up in a program or campaign. Your house of occupation will have marvelous activity for solving problems and checking off items on your to-do list. You could even get interesting help from a family member whose ideas may stimulate your own productivity. You also might get help from an unexpected ally at work, so keep your options and offers open.

The idea of traveling might seem particularly attractive right now, as your house of adventure will have a terrific blend of planets that could urge you to hit the road. Traveling has a wonderful restorative quality to it, as you face new vistas and make connections with new people along the way. You may be able to use some of those connections to benefit your daily work routine when you return, so be on the lookout

Consider spending time getting necessary paperwork and form filing out of the way as your house of large organizations will have pleasing energy for such activities. This would be a fantastic time to clear up the work and file it away. This tone, favorable for fruitful outcomes, tends to bring about closure. Perhaps you will finish your tax returns and will find interesting new guidelines that bring about an unexpected result due to your diligence in research

Your partner may have interesting thoughts, or you might come up with plans together. Your house of significant others has great potential to bring about meaningful conversations about the future. You may be stimulated by the potential and bring some of that to work, or you might research a new angle for your occupation. This could be quite an enlightening experience that leads to a financial shift. This might involve an investor.

It would be a wonderful feeling to do something for yourself. You may have logged many hours over the past few weeks helping others, rather than helping yourself. Your house of health and well-being has marvelous energy for self-repair. Perhaps time at the gym or just being alone with a book would satisfy that urge to recuperate and flourish. You may get an unexpected surprise from a significant other who may also have plans for relaxing.

You could be in the midst of wrapping up an agreement with a significant other. You may agree on a mutual approach, and you both might be willing to compromise. Any effort that you can put into research should be useful and may serve to protect your interests as time moves on. It may be wise to watch your temper during these talks, though, as you could feel especially animated and involved.

This could be an excellent time to be on top of things at your job. Your house of occupation has great motivational qualities that, if acted upon, could deliver a financial reward. You may find that you will need to sacrifice before you can fully appreciate your hard work. Perhaps you are tempted by a new job offer, except that it may require relocating. You could also expect to see rather unusual activity in your house of creation, so this may dovetail nicely with your work output

This may be an especially fruitful time to write and communicate outwardly. All forms of communication will be favored during this time, as your house of words will host powerful planets. You may be in the middle of a research paper or report for your supervisor. It may be particularly helpful to react and write with conviction and clarity, so that your points will be cast in the proper light. You may get a helping hand from a sibling, who may offer the right advice at the right time.

Investments and monetary inquiries may be first and foremost as your house of income has quite favorable activity. This may be a time to use your income for a humanitarian cause or perhaps volunteer as a mentor or financial advisor in some capacity. Any sort of research in this area would prove valuable. You may take on a fund-raising chore that involves unusual marketing techniques. You could be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

There should be strong activity in your house of self, as many planets will linger in that area of your life. This could be an outstanding time to immerse yourself in public activity. This would be the type of event that places you in the forefront of a discussion. You might deliver a presentation or a speech to colleagues and co-workers. You could leave a very strong, lasting impression
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