Monday 12 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
Prepare to feel dazzled by an incredibly potent development in your career and financial status. In fact, it probably will be better than you expected. You may cash in on something you worked on diligently in your industry, and you might see a significant boost in your reputation. The rewards you may receive today will be well earned. It likely will be a glorious day on many levels.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
tauras You might receive incredible benefits from a powerful international figure. Perhaps this person has the right connections to offer you something you have tried to develop or promote. This might be personal publicity that comes your way and if so, you likely will feel more validated in your talents and self-worth than you have in a while. With Venus, your ruler, making a brilliant link to Pluto, the planet of transformation, you likely will not wrong. 

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Private investment matters may begin to materialize into real benefits for you now. You might have been working on securing an investor or other financial backing for a project. This could be the day you receive the answer you have hoped for. The energy today also might benefit more than you personally. You could expect progress in getting a charitable cause off the ground.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
A brilliant networking opportunity may surface, one that could lead to a transformative and incredible partnership in the near future. Venus will be in the part of your chart ruling your greatest aspirations and today, she will form a perfect link with Pluto, now in your relationship sector. It will become clear to you that the path to success will be easier to reach with the help of a promising new alliance.


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
There could be an exciting development in career matters. Your boss or another authority figure connected to your profession possibly will applaud your efforts or offer another type of validation. Venus will be at the top of your chart at a perfect angle to Pluto in your workaday sector. You might have been instrumental in bringing together a team of co-workers harmoniously to collaborate on a vital project. Your grace under pressure likely will be unrewarded

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
This could be an especially wonderful day for any child in your life. If he or she is college-aged, there could be news of acceptance to a university. Also, you possibly will decide to take a long-distance vacation with your child or a sweetheart. It could be the experience of a lifetime, and you likely will have an opportunity to reinforce your bond in the process. 

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
You might decide to move forward in a decision that has to do with joint finances. This could have to do with a real estate deal or estate planning for a loved one. It might even be that you receive promising news about a divorce settlement or an inheritance from a relative. The energy will be kind and happy, so do not worry that you might shed any tears before you can enjoy the financial benefits.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
Venus, the planet of harmony, will move through your partnership sector, which adds incredible blessings to your relationships, both business and personal. Today, Venus will make a beautiful link to Pluto, now in your communication sector. You might finalize an agreement in business that will be financially profitable. Also, you and your spouse possibly will have a conversation about money that will allow you both to feel empowered. It will feel wonderful to be on the same page.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
It likely will be the perfect time to make a bold move at the workplace; you may show everyone that you are in command of your talents. You may feel highly regarded at work, but it also will be possible that you will be instrumental in helping one of your colleagues to heal emotionally. Realize that you have a gift for more than simply doing your job. You will have the power to make a real difference. 

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Blessings in matters of the heart and with children may transform your life in an incredible way. If you are possibly expecting a child, your bliss likely will be hard to contain. The love you feel for a child may transform you, even if you were initially reticent about becoming a parent. In addition, you might feel a deep sense of romantic attachment to someone. You likely could feel as if you have it all.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
You might find yourself consumed by a home-decorating project, the type of renovation that will renew you at your very soul. There may be a deep need to create a sanctuary within your home, and you may have plenty of creative ideas to help you achieve this. Allow your inspiration to come to life as you select home furnishings, accessories or even a new shade of paint for your walls. You most likely will show your excellent taste in artwork.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
A conversation with a friend could be completely life changing, so be sure to accept a phone call or impromptu lunch meeting with a pal. Perhaps you will have an opportunity to speak in front of a crowd or teach what you know during a media appearance or radio interview. At may be an ideal time to offer a web-based seminar or teleconference. The energy of today will lend itself to spreading your message to the masses.

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