Saturday 17 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
You will feel a double dip of energy now that your annual new moon, in Aries, is about to arrive on March 21. After the new moon arrives, you will have a superb chance to get a good deal closer to a goal dear to you, in any realm of life you choose. This happens but once a year - take full advantage. You'll brim with innovative ideas and be eager to share them. Before you offer up any of those inspirations or make any presentation, review your plan and assumptions one more time to be sure it will produce the results you hope to achieve. Ask a friend to be your helpful sounding board.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
You'll likely continue to attract wonderful career attention at almost every turn, but at the same time, you might secretly wish to avoid the spotlight so that you can quietly contemplate where you've come and where you'd like to go. Thursday's new moon will give you that opportunity. Slow down and think about what you'd like to accomplish in your birthday year. Time spent in solitude will be richly rewarded. Watch Friday, March 25, for news of a surprise career opportunity you'll be excited to investigate.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
A lovely new moon March 21 will boost your social life in a big way. Your friends will play a much larger role in your life than usual and you will enjoy the circle of closeness you feel. You've been working hard on your career, so this week will give you a chance to gain a little balance by having some fun. This would be the best week in the year to consider joining a new club or group, either social or professional in nature, online, or in real life. If you were considering the idea of going to a conference, seminar, or religious retreat, have a second look at the brochure - one opportunity might be perfect for you now. Social media could help you expand your base, so look into it.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
A sudden promotion or new professional position may be within your grasp, arriving within days of the new moon in Aries on March 21. You've worked hard and you've earned the enviable opportunities that will come your way now. Any project you get involved with now would allow you to pioneer into new territory. If you are self-employed, new business will be easier to generate than in past months, so be ready to pitch on Thursday or Friday, or anytime next week. Romantically, Saturday evening, March 24 glitters! 


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
The Sun, your ruler, will light your travel house on Tuesday, and you may decide you would like to have a face-to-face meeting with a business colleague who is based at a distance. Your idea is a good one, and the new moon, March 21, will urge you to make it happen. You are moving into a stunning period for a major career victory, but to grasp it, you will have to keep your forehead to the steering wheel and your eyes on the road. Keep pressing forward, despite delays. Lots of surprises are due at the end of the week, as you get closer to March 23. Work may be arduous, but you're up to the task and many rewards await you.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Unexpected news regarding a financial matter could demand much of your attention during the latter part of the coming week, due to Uranus conjunct the Sun. Uranus is the planet of surprise, so things could go either way. You may be given a big check, or hear about a huge expense. If the latter comes up, you won't lack ideas to generate more money, so stay strong. List all your inspirations for improving your cash flow and choose the ones with the most potential. With Venus in your university sector, love may come knocking at the classroom door  

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
If you're unattached, it appears that you'll have a fantastic chance to make a love connection with someone new. Your new admirer will be someone with whom you have a lively rapport, and you will enjoy sharing thoughts and trading opinions on a variety of subjects. A happy benefit of Thursday's new moon, March 21, in your partnership sector, may have you thinking about bringing a present relationship closer through sharing dreams, or about leading a new one to the official stage - an engagement perhaps? Business relationship may now reach accord too, soon. Don't move too fast, however, due to Mercury and Mars presently in retrograde. Wait till late April to make your decisive move.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
Scorpio It's time to think about looking and feeling better. The new moon in Aries, March 21, will be the very best time to start a new fitness routine. You may also make appointments with your dentist or doctor and have annual tests scheduled, such as to have your eyes examined or blood tests done. Look into the idea of signing up for a new class or taking lessons in a new sport. Aries is a highly competitive sign, so think about training for a competition. You may find romance as you do - just when you weren't thinking about that!

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
On the new moon in Aries, due March 21, you may find a new romantic relationship that is so special you may be breathless. The universe will help make a meeting happen, but you need to do your part by being out and about as much as possible during this coming weekend. If you are single, this could be the start of something big. You may be tempted to heat up your budding relationship quickly, but with Uranus prominent, you may see it disappear as quickly as it arrives. Slow and easy saves the day - and the relationship. Add a dash of mystery, too. It will be the spice that will have your admirer coming back for more. 

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Your domestic sector will be buzzing with excitement. Friends or relatives may be planning to visit, or you may be inspired to call in the painters or other maintenance people to spiff things up. Something seems to be sparking your home-design passions, and you certainly won't be short of ideas! Still, you need to keep in mind that Mercury is still retrograde, and so is Mars, not the time to buy new, expensive furniture, appliances, or electronic items. For now, focus on repairs, painting, cleaning, and reorganization projects at home. Later you can add the fun stuff.  

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Catching up with correspondence will likely be your top priority, since your communication area will be a busy hub of planetary activity. You may receive a surprise message from an old friend and make quick plans to meet up. If any challenges should surface this week, you will be able to count on the support of your loving family. Uranus, your ruler, will meet with the Sun, and allow you to brainstorm for many original ideas on a variety of topics. Take time to do so. By week's end, a chance trip to visit a friend in a nearby city will be too good to pass up.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
pisces.jpg An original idea for a financial opportunity may come up, and you'll likely feel anxious to act on it without a second thought. Still, with Mercury retrograde, you may make the wrong choice by acting too quickly without studying all the details. Slow down, and do more research. This will be a big money week, and by Friday or Saturday, you may receive a surprise message about your finances. From where I sit, it is impossible to know if news will be welcome or not. You may get a chance to make a lot of money - or need to write an unanticipated check, or both! Don't worry - your long-term outlook is upbeat

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