Thursday 22 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
Communication may not be at its finest, but today, you can expect a shift in how Mercury retrograde energy affects you. You might decide to spend more time alone with your thoughts and ideas, and keeping them to yourself now will be a fine plan. You also might be adept at discovering information that you previously believed was out of your reach. You could have increased ability to uncover the truth amid cloudy data. 

Taurus April 20 to May 20
You may hear from a childhood friend, as there will be a strong possibility that someone will find you via a social website. If this happens, you likely will feel delighted to reconnect with this pal. It may be that you will spend hours talking and catching up on where the years have taken each of you. Rekindling this alliance will feel so easy - as if you never spent time apart.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Mercury, your ruler, is still retrograde, but today this planet of communication will begin to help you focus on career plans. You might want to rethink the way you come across to authority figures. The boss might find your ideas confusing, but if this happens, it may be your opportunity to revise any problem areas. The way to impress higher-ups could be by being willing to refine your ideas until they are as clear as possible.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
If you are preparing for a long-distance trip, be extra vigilant to ensure that you have everything in place to make your voyage as smooth as possible. Make a list of everything you need to pack, documents you must bring, and all hotel and airline information, and then keep it handy. It might even be a good idea to make a copy of these essentials - just in case.  


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
You may have an opportunity to review your taxes or other vital documents that pertain to finances. It will be a good idea to schedule a meeting with an accountant or financial advisor, but if you do this, be prepared to go over things with care. You or your consultant possibly will find something previously missed that changes how you plan to file your taxes or make an investment decision. Prudence is called for.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
If you notice a misunderstanding brewing between you and a partner, do your best to nip it in the bud. Mercury will move into your relationship sector, a time that usually bodes well for conversations with someone close. The trouble, however, is that Mercury will move retrograde, which may cause some confusion or difficulty in reaching agreements. It may be the perfect time, however, to re-examine your thoughts about a partnership. You might come to a surprising conclusion. 

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Try not to feel too frustrated if you need to re-do a work assignment that you already completed. Your supervisor may have found errors, and he or she may want you to take a second look at things. You might even need to take a completely new approach to handling a major assignment on which you and colleagues are collaborating. Work revisions may last until the first week of April. 

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
You might spend time thinking about a former love and if so, it could prompt you to search your attic or basement for old love letters. If you never obtained closure with this person, you might find it rather difficult to forget about him or her, and you might even think about whether having a conversation with this person could reignite an old flame. Think carefully before you proceed.   

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
You could receive the nice surprise of out-of-town relatives at your doorstep. Or it might be that someone from your family with whom you have not spoken recently will want to reconnect with you. You might decide to attend a family reunion, or you might see this person at another family function. Expect a fond conversation about the past as you catch up on the present.  

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
You may have an issue with your car, an electronic appliance, or your computer. Mercury will travel retrograde into your communication sector today, which may result in some mishaps. Ideally, avoid purchasing anything new until after the first week of April. In addition, you might need to navigate past any miscommunication between you and a sibling. The good news is that once you have an honest conversation, you will be able to clear the air 

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
It could be a great day to review your income and expenses in detail so that you are fully aware of your spending. This could help you see how to better use your money. You may, for instance, realize that you spend more money than you realized on a morning cup of coffee each day. Detailed revisions now will help you focus on allowing your money to work for you instead of the other way around.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
It may become more challenging to make vital decisions about personal issues. Mercury will move retrograde into the part of your chart that rules your identity, which may cloud your thinking, particularly about matters involving your development. It may be wiser to avoid solid decisions until after the first week of April, if possible. For now, allow everything to float around your mind. Take it all in, and think about your options.

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