Wednesday 14 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
Potent developments in career likely will continue. Today, however, you might need to navigate past a frustrating conversation between you and an authority figure before you can get back to enjoying the fruits of your labor. Perhaps the boss will remind you not to allow ego to get in the way of your ability to continue delivering quality. Do not take it personally. In fact, you might want to thank this person for reminding you to stay on track.
Taurus April 20 to May 20
tauras There may be an unexpected frustration in a legal matter - a powerful figure connected to your case may attempt to bully or intimidate you. You may need to find a way to hold your ground while maintaining your integrity. This might seem like an impossible feat under difficult circumstances, but if you can avoid exchanging hasty words and keep any angry thoughts to yourself, you likely will be ahead of the game.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
It could be a day when you try your best to resolve a difficult situation between you and a friend. You possibly have exchanged angry words about a deeply personal matter and since then, you might have felt it difficult to trust this person. Today, you two might hash it out, and once again bring up the subject you disagreed about in the past. Unfortunately, it could be one of those instances where you will simply have to agree to disagree.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
While you will continue to benefit from spectacular social opportunities, there could be a rather difficult conversation between you and a business partner or VIP client. It might even force you to swallow your words in order to maintain progress in your career. The need to attempt to get this person to yield to your authority might be strong today, but it will be wise to understand that this approach may not be the best.


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
One of your ideas might be shot down by a practical co-worker - one who does not appreciate the ingenuity of your plans. If this happens, try not to take it personally. Instead, recognize that you may be pushing the envelope with an innovative idea, and it may threaten the comfort zone of those around you. This colleague likely will be more security conscious than anything else. 

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
It might be a good idea to set up boundaries with a new sweetheart about what you will reveal at this early stage of a romance. Perhaps he or she will push and ask you about personal finances or something else that you feel is inappropriate. The only way to handle this situation will be with honesty and tact. Still, it might be a challenge to express your wishes without affecting the potential for this relationship to grow. 

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Your partner might be so outspoken that he or she will make you feel uncomfortable, particularly if a remark falls within earshot of another relative. You could find yourself doing damage control in order to ensure that your partner and this family member stay out of an argument. If this happens, you will most likely smooth things over, but you likely will not be pleased with your mate for having put you in this position.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
Scorpio No matter how much you try to avoid an emotionally charged conversation at work, it may not happen. It appears that you and a co-worker will exchange ideas at such a fast pace that one of you might inadvertently say something that will seem emotionally charged. While any innocent remark might normally not cause much of a problem, it might be easy to take comments personally. 

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Your creative mind will be in overdrive, but you might run the risk of mental burnout if you attempt to put too many projects into motion. Try to prioritize which ideas will most likely showcase your talents. If you center on fleshing out concepts that maximize your gifts, you likely will feel less scattered in mental energy. In addition, you will not waste time focusing on plans that go nowhere. Make the most of your incredible brainpower. 

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
There might be so much chatter among relatives that it will become difficult for you to keep up with it all. Out-of-town family may drop by for a visit, and you will find yourself having to entertain. This might not normally be a problem, but it will be possible that these family members have an excess amount of nervous energy. It could feel like a little more than you may be comfortable handling.  

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
You might have later regrets if you talk about something that you know you should keep quiet. Your mind will likely be buzzing with a flurry of ideas and thoughts, and you might want to share right away with others. The trouble is that in your excitement, you possibly will forget to edit your words and inadvertently will allow something to slip out that puts you in an uncomfortable position. Forewarned is forearmed.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
pisces.jpg You may be excited about any opportunity to showcase ideas in front of a crowd. In the midst of your enthusiasm, however, you might want to remember to clarify your thoughts before you express them. It will be best not to convey messages with too much emotion and not enough logic. Your audience will appreciate your willingness to be open, but they may want your assurance that you are an authority on the topic.

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