Wednesday 21 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
Today's bold new moon in Aries may zap you like a jolt of electricity! The power of this dynamic start of your astrological year could motivate you to take independent action on a job, perhaps a bit too rashly. Deferred gratification will probably be your best strategy. Your enthusiasm needn't be completely dampened because you can use the upcoming few weeks to research an original idea and tentatively begin laying the groundwork so that you'll be ready to launch your project at a more auspicious time.  .

Taurus April 20 to May 20
Your charisma quota will seem boundless as you'll continue to attract a steady stream of admirers, both personal and professional. You may feel inspired to reassess your long-term goals, but with so much high-voltage energy operating behind the scenes, you might decide to keep a low-profile. It'll be possible that a blast from your past will come back into your life and remind you of a terrific idea that could benefit your career and increase your bank account!

Gemini May 21 to June 20
You may be in for a cheerful wakeup call as the new moon will invigorate your house of hopes and wishes! Socially, you'll likely be on the A List, with a stack of invitations to an array of parties. As this will still be a period beset with mixed-up messages, double-check the details before heading out the door. It'll be possible that you could develop a fresh perspective regarding your future, stimulated by a lively gathering of friends and associates. 

Cancer June 21 to July 22
Your professional reputation will likely get a welcome shot in the arm because today's electrifying new moon may brighten your sector of public recognition with a reward! It appears that your skill as a charming networker will serve your ambitious goals, and you could receive word about a coveted career-making assignment. There will be a chance that any opportunity for advancement you hear about now will need modification, and it might take a few weeks for the official offer to slide into the right gear. 


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
An unexpected message, possibly from a faraway place, might reach you, setting off an exciting cycle of events! The new moon in Aries will be friendly to you, fellow fire sign Leo, and you'll be able to take optimum advantage of any new information when you combine it with what you already know. It actually appears that your learning days may be far from over because you'll have an opportunity to enroll in an unusual course of study.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Today's new moon may spark a positive change in the area of your chart that represents the resources you and a partner share. Your significant other might learn that a salary increase will fatten his or her paycheck, and of course, you'll benefit by extension! It will also be possible that you'll get word that a financial claim will be settled in your favor. There could be a frustrating misunderstanding as to when you'll actually see the money, but signs point to your ultimate success!    

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Zesty planetary action and a new moon in the area of your chart that represents your partnership may indicate a big event involving someone who'll strongly affect your life. Your significant other might initiate a discussion that could lead to a change in your relationship. In any conversation, you'll be wise to think twice and speak once as this will still be a dicey time for clear communication. Your talent for compromise will make it possible to end your talk on a high note.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
An unexpected announcement may alter the chain of command at your workplace. This change might ultimately be productive, but it appears likely that the period of trial and error will annoy your colleagues and you can expect to hear a fair share of griping. The higher-ups will also notice who complains and who doesn't, and will surely appreciate cooperation as everyone adjusts. It will probably be in your decided favor if you'll be an employee who'll accept the upheaval with maturity and good graces. 

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
As the new moon will bring beams of opportunity to your house of fun, romance, and creativity, you'll have an excellent chance of meeting an interesting new someone who'll have what it takes to quicken your pulse! This relationship may be short and sweet, or if you'll put forth sincere effort, could have some real staying power. It will also be possible that this person might not become your sweetheart, but an artistic friend who'll share your passion for a visionary and inspirational project.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Your home and family will be in the spotlight as the new moon will jump-start your domestic area and direct your attention toward a spring cleaning effort. It appears that you might have party-hosting plans and you'll want your place to look its best and brightest for your guests. It could also be possible that, looking ahead, you'll want to put your house on the market and will need to de-clutter and spruce it up before you even think about putting out a for sale sign!   

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
It'll seem that everybody you've ever met will try to contact you today! The new moon will keep company with your guardian planet, Uranus, in your communication sector, and that will likely make connecting with others the order of the day. A backlog of correspondence will probably demand your attention, and you should be able to tackle that project with laser beam focus. You may also have a long list of errands to run, and if so, please exercise extra caution when driving and you'll return home safe and sound.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
pisces.jpg Your personal finances will probably be on your mind, especially as you may have discovered an error in one of your accounts. Today's new moon will appear in your money house and that should help you resolve the problem. It might also indicate an opportune time to review the way you do your banking. You'll be able to use the next few weeks to check out different methods and institutions and find a system that'll likely save you from future headaches and keep you in perfect balance! 

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