Monday 19 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
As you celebrate the vernal equinox, it'll be clear that you're well on your way to achieving all of the glorious professional and financial goals your heart desires. You have been more true to yourself than ever before, willing to remake your identity and career path so that it reflects the authentic you. As you reflect on the decisions you've made in the past that are responsible for your present circumstances, you're likely to feel abundantly on track. You are.   .

Taurus April 20 to May 20
Social contacts are likely to benefit you so be sure to accept any invitation to a dinner party or other event. Perhaps you'll have an opportunity to join a seminar or workshop with a group of friends on a topic that will enlighten you in an extraordinary way. Even if you have never studied this subject before, you might want to give it a try - the energy clearly supports you expanding your horizons, thanks to the encouragement of a pal.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Career benefits may come your way through a behind the scenes figure with considerable clout. Perhaps this person has been watching you climb up the ladder in your industry for quite some time and will be ready to reward you with an opportunity that will take you even further. Consider ways to transform your status by taking advantage of prospects that will give you more honor and authority. In terms of your profession, it's time for you to be a visionary!

Cancer June 21 to July 22
The spotlight will continue to be on your career and status. Uranus, the planet of revolution, will tour your career sector, urging you to embrace change in your vocation as necessary. With Mercury retrograde, you might spend time reflecting on decisions you made in the past and how they got you to where you are today. As the vernal equinox brings the Sun into the same part of your chart, you'll shine a light on whatever shift needs to happen.  


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
It'll be easy to unite colleagues or anyone under your employment together if you need focused collaboration on a vital project. While it's true that you may have a strong urge to transform this assignment, you'll enlist the help of others in a way that doesn't come across as reproaching or unappreciative for any work they've done so far. In fact, it might be the kind of endeavor where everyone is in agreement. You all want this project to gleam. It will!

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
It's possible that your spouse or partner will have the need to infuse your relationship with a bit of fun and excitement, much to your delight. Although you might have plenty of practical matters to tend to during the day, if possible, schedule time for each other this afternoon - even if it's to meet up for a lunch date at a restaurant that serves exotic cuisine. The time you spend together will reinforce your connection and literally make your day! .  

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Your focus will be on partnerships since there will be several planets moving through your relationship sector. The Sun will join Uranus and Mercury (now retrograde), which will shine a brighter light on at least one close alliance. It's likely that the focus will be on you and this person learning how to balance resources together - financial or otherwise. It appears that some compromise needs to happen. This, of course, is your specialty.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
You'll have the perfect words for a sweetheart and it's likely that you'll be inspired to use them. Why not write the most creative, heartfelt love letter or poem to express your true feelings? You might also decide to call your mate in the middle of the work day to share your sentiments over the phone. Don't be surprised if you receive a lovely communications related surprise from your paramour as well. Love will be easy to express today.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
A relative might be a positive influence in a health matter. Perhaps this person will inspire you to turn a corner and begin a new diet. Even if he or she simply motivates you to give up a negative health habit that you consider minor, such as drinking coffee or soda, it'll bring a significant boost to your overall well-being. It'll also be a perfect time to join the gym with someone in your clan. You could be exercise buddies! 

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
If there's something you want to say, today will be your time to speak up. Not only will you have a commanding presence, assuring that others will sit up and listen, but at the same time you'll also have a tender way of expressing your thoughts. This approach will influence others to respect your words and they'll surely react to them with sensitivity. If there's a subject matter that's on the delicate side, now will be your time to start talking about it. 

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
It might be worth your time to go through the attic, garage, or other storage area in your home with someone in your family. You could find a collection or some other valuable item that you may decide to sell or showcase in your home - and it's likely to be something that you never realized was stored away in the first place! Either way, today's energy will bring a lovely boost of harmony with family and finances. Use it well.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
It'll be easy to capture the attention of a group today, so if you have an opportunity to attend a meeting, party, or other event, you'll effortlessly put your best foot forward. Your sensitive, compassionate nature will shine through and these qualities will earn you respect. If you have any kind of charitable cause you hope to inspire others to participate in, this will be a perfect time to speak up about it. It'll be difficult for anyone to refuse you.

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