Saturday 3 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
Many doors may be opening for you now, as you will feel fabulous positive energy all around you. As an Aries who values opportunity and the ability to respond quickly when necessary, you will be in a position to snap up the right opportunity this week before the competition has a chance to see it arise. You may have recently completed a project or career phase, and now find yourself on the brink of a new venture filled with promise. 

Taurus April 20 to May 20
You may find yourself at the end of a marvelous period where many things are about to come to closure, especially regarding a creative project. Be glad about what you accomplished and look forward to the new chapter that is about to start up. Later this week, a tender full moon, March 8, will bring an exciting development to matters of the heart, or those related to children. If single, this full moon could bring your current relationship to the next level. You will be thrilled.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
This week will bring a very exciting full moon, March 8, in your house of home and family. You may finalize a residential move, purchase or sell property, finalize a refinanced mortgage, order a renovation, or buy beautiful items for your home. You ask the painters to paint a room, or have your furnishings cleaned. These and other home-related activities will be enormously favored now and taking action will boost your morale.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
   This week, you could expect to see unexpected good news unfold in your career! With a beautiful configuration in the sky, linking the twinkling planets of Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter, as well as the full moon of March 8, you may be signing an important contract, discussing a promotion, or handing in a document that will be enormously well received. It'll also be an ideal week to travel, for business or pleasure.

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
Early in the week, the spirit of adventure will likely be encouraged in you, as two electric planets, Uranus and Mercury, will work together to spark your imagination and engender a flurry of actions and conversation. Yet both will be in hard angle to Pluto, so slow down, rather than allow yourself to become too impulsive and wind up saying something wish you had not. Career-wise, you'll find yourself in an enviable position to negotiate a solid raise or salary on a high-level position. The full moon March 8 will help you! Go into any talks feeling strong and confident - this is your time!

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
You may now receive an unexpected show of support from a VIP who has an interest in seeing you succeed. It appears you've been underpaid and overworked over the past several years, but your ship will soon come in, dear Virgo. The inequity in compensation may not be fully and fairy addressed and corrected until mid-October (due to Saturn's sticky current orbit), but this week you can still make strides on a variety of levels. Something of enormous importance will work out well for you at the glorious full moon in Virgo on March 8 plus four days. Stay strong.   

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Venus and good fortune Jupiter will be orbiting very close this week, bringing you the likelihood of a generous financial bounty, perhaps one quite unexpected. The fact that Venus is involved is significant because Venus is your ruling planet, suggesting that many other areas of your life, beyond those financial, will go exceedingly well for you this week. The full moon on March 8 suggests that you may have a confidential meeting that will bring the right results. Keep your health strong so you can take full advantage of all that will be coming up for you.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
This week holds the promise of a beautiful social event, one that will become one of your high points of 2012. This opportunity will come thanks to a lovely full moon, March 8, plus four days. Be ready with the perfect outfit - it will make you feel at ease. If you have a partner, this week you will find amazing rapport. Something may be bubbling up between you - commitment may come within weeks. If already attached, you will want to add a new plan for the future - with the optimism you both are feeling, nothing would be beyond your ability to capture.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
With a full moon in your house of fame and honors on March 8, plus or minus four days, this week is sure to be an important moment in your timeline. If you have been interviewing for a new position, you will likely get the final answer from your prospective employer or client this week. Something will reach critical mass, and Jupiter, Pluto, and Mars will bring conditions that will work to your favor. Proceed with confidence!

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
This coming week, you have a good chance of receiving a financial award, or you may see a grant you have applied for finally approved. You have some excellent aspects for increasing your income. Investigate all possible ways to get the funds you need. This week will also hold the full moon in Virgo and it's due to be a glorious one for you. International dealings, matters involving universities, or projects having to do with publishing / broadcasting will shine brightly for you. If you need to travel or sign papers, do so before Mercury goes retrograde on March 12.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Money and how to get more of it may be a moving topic for you this week. You will have lots of encouraging aspects in your revenue sector, so you may receive a check from an unexpected source. A loan you applied for may be approved, or a court or insurance settlement may go in your favor. There will be a number of ways you may see those much-needed funds. You might have some misgivings or questions about a partner who is tied to you in a romantic or business way Before you come to any final conclusions, wait to see what happens by week's end. The full moon will reveal more financial data

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
Under the glow of the Sun, now in Pisces, you may feel unstoppable and on top of the world. This is such an outstandingly positive time for you, so feel free to take a judicious risk, confident you'll have a margin of favor on your side. This week you may get special publicity or kudos for work well done. With Neptune now in Pisces for the first time in 165 years, your imagination will be greatly stimulated. The extend of your creative output may surprise you and others in its power, originality, and poetic beauty. Give your work all you have to give, and it will sparkle. Your reputation will climb and lift you to a lofty perch in your industry that you've never experienced.

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