Tuesday 6 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
Expect to make steady progress in career and financial matters. You might focus your attention on the best way to maximize efficiency and work output as it relates to a project that might feel stalled. Today, you could restore emotional balance at the office and begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not only is it brighter than you anticipated, but it also may lead to fantastic opportunities and professional empowerment.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
Make the most of the romantic energy today. The time you spend with your sweetheart could be incredible. Perhaps the two of you could share a leisurely lunch or even take the afternoon for much needed recreation time. Love, joy, and good spirits may abound. If you are not currently in a relationship, it might be the perfect time to meet someone new.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Your home life could be quite emotional, but luckily for you, it seems to be positive. You may have more compassionate energy to spend on relatives, but you also may feel more of an urge to help with a domestic task or issue that someone at home may have. You likely will use a unique combination of tenderness, cleverness, and usefulness to contribute to your family in a way they will appreciate..

Cancer June 21 to July 22
Your ability to convey a message to a large gathering or to teach something to a group in a practical way likely will be unnoticed today. In fact, you could receive hearty praise for your attention to detail and the way you bring stories to life in a way that allows others to relate to your message. In addition, a gorgeous alignment of planetary energy might bring luck your way through a friend.


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
It could be a brilliant day for career progress, but there also will be the likelihood that you could feel a boost in self-worth. This might come your way because of a compliment from your boss or a colleague. Regardless of the source, the result will be that it may enhance your commitment to work projects and increase your productivity. Team spirit also may run high at the workplace.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
International and publishing pursuits will be favored, so if you have anything in the works with a global reach, be sure to move forward in development. Also, if you are involved in a legal matter, there might be a positive shift that allows a court representative to view your situation in a more favorable light. You likely will feel energetic, and this could be a productive day. 

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
A relative might disclose news about an investment or other money from which you could benefit today. This could have to do with a real estate deal or family money that you share from another source, such as a valuable collection. Everyone involved with this financial issue most likely will agree to share the monies received equally. You likely will not have to worry about someone seeming greedy

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
Your partner might be instrumental in your reaching for a long-held aspiration. Perhaps your mate will give you an extra dose of support at precisely the moment you need it. Your partner also might open up a door of opportunity for you by introducing you to someone with the right connections - and this person might complete the link needed to achieve this goal.
Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Your success in career matters could hinge on your ability to maximize your resources while nurturing the rest of your team so they use their respective gifts. The energy today should make this easier than ever to achieve. You likely will feel validated by authority figures, but you also could reap the rewards that come from collaboration at the highest level on the job.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
This day likely will be fun. A sporting or other recreational event could take your attention. Such an event could be a welcome respite from your typical hardworking ways. Today, you might choose to direct your ambitious personality toward doing your best at a hobby or sport in which you could participate. Victory will feel more effortless than usual.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
You might reach an emotional breakthrough and will move past a difficult experience, possibly one with a relative. You might decide to forgive this person, and if so, that choice will set you free. You also might discuss a matter with a family member, something that has bothered you for a time. Keeping your feelings bottled up no longer makes sense.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
Social prospects likely will be dynamic, thanks to your ability to communicate your ideas in a way that may appeal to others. Maximize any collaborative opportunities, as your partner may have the perfect balance of energy to help put your ideas into motion. Although Mars is still retrograde in your relationship sector, the energy today will allow a nudge in the right direction. Plan wisely now and it will be possible for an alliance to take on stronger life after mid-April.

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