Thursday 8 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
The urge to express your feelings to your partner might not turn out as you hope. Your mate could be more interested in conversations that have to do with intellectual stimulation than in heartfelt communication. If you communicate with too much emotion, he or she might not be in the mood to listen to you. Step back to consider how important it is to share your sentiments at this time. If it can wait, you might have a better reaction from your partner on another day.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
It might be difficult to keep your feelings quiet at the workplace when it comes to a personal matter between you and a co-worker or employee. Perhaps you and this person have not been on the same page for quite some time but neither of you has wanted to make waves. Today, you two possibly will suddenly engage in a conversation where emotions run high. You might clear the air. . 

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Although you likely will feel the need to connect with your special someone, a sudden interruption from a pal could get in the way of romance. Perhaps your friend will call or text you during your date. It might become so distracting that you answer the call, only to find yourself caught up in a lengthy conversation. When it comes to balancing your love life and friendship, you might not know exactly what to do.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
Your urge to be with family suddenly might be interrupted by your boss. Perhaps this authority figure will express a brilliant idea or plan that requires your support to help brainstorm. Your boss possibly will not understand your need to relax with family when his or her mind is buzzing. In an effort not to disappoint your boss, you might disappoint your family. It may be a tough call. .


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
Innovative ideas from a mentor could take you out of your comfort zone. Perhaps you and someone you hold in high regard will engage in a fascinating conversation. While you likely will enjoy his or her new perspective, you might notice that this person will attempt to stretch your outlook with more original concepts. Try not to feel uncomfortable; instead, keep an open mind.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Try not to make emotionally based decisions regarding your finances. An unexpected expense possibly will make you feel insecure about your earning capacity. While it appears that you will be able to pay this bill, you might worry excessively about the potential for additional unanticipated bills. Do your best not to overreact, and remind yourself how resourceful you can be.  

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
You may find yourself expressing your emotions easily, particularly when conversing with your partner. Unfortunately, your mate might interpret your sentiments as your being moody or behaving in a way that does not seem like you. This likely will not be the case - it might be that you simply will respond differently to him or her or to an unconventional idea your partner might offer. You possibly will find his or her stimulating concepts to be rather unsettling.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
Scorpio It might be a day when you prefer to have more solitude. If so, any privacy will help you sort out your schedule or possible deviation to your routine. If, for instance, there was a change in your work hours or another schedule, the change might seem more challenging than you anticipated, and you may wonder if you will adjust. Some alone time might be just what you need.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Your need to socialize might result in your taking on a role in a group without thinking it through. Perhaps, in an effort to impress or get closer to your sweetheart, you might volunteer time to a club or humanitarian effort, even though you might not be as passionate about it as you appear to be. If this happens, what is meant to be a positive social experience could become burdensome. Remember to be true to yourself.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
In matters of career, you could feel in the spotlight. You might receive recognition for your efforts in a major project or you might achieve another career milestone that makes you especially proud. While you likely will enjoy the accolades, you might need to prepare for some unexpected domestic issues that could distract you from fully enjoying your moment. Do your best not to allow that to happen " you have earned those rewards.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
If there is concern about a legal matter, you might want to consider innovative ways to use communications in order to help your case. Perhaps the latest technology will prove to be an asset as you search for facts. Pieces of information that you may find while searching the Internet could be helpful to you. It may be possible that unexpected information from someone in your community will benefit you. Keep your ears open.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
You might base your material security on the talents or resources of someone else today, rather than in yourself. If you fall into this trap, ask yourself why this might be happening. Perhaps you feel insecure about marketing one of your talents or about exploring an innovative money-making idea. These feelings of self-doubt when it comes to your gifts might be the reason you tend to lean on another. It could be time to re-adjust your thinking.

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