Friday 9 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
With one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake, you'll be able to see an amazing financial opportunity and will long to jump on it, but you'll intuitively know that you should hold off for now. Patience isn't usually your strong suit, but you'll recognize that this will be an excellent time for introspection and research. If attending a gathering tonight, it is possible that you'll connect with someone who'll have sharp ideas and may become an invaluable collaborator!

Taurus April 20 to May 20
You'll want to be on your toes tonight! Dancing the night away at a posh party will be one fabulous possibility, but it'll also be wise to double-check the address, time, and other details about your plans. There'll be a chance you could be waylaid by a frustrating misunderstanding. Reconnecting with an old friend may be a particularly pleasant experience, all the more delightful since you'll be your most charming and attractive self. You'll virtually ooze charisma, thanks to a supportive planetary pattern!  

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Your lead planet, Mercury, will start its reverse phase within a couple of days, potentially bringing you a frustrating challenge. It'll probably just be a matter of a mixed signal, but may create more of a hassle than you'll choose to deal with alone. Fortunately, you can get by with the support of your pals, so get the word out and be as clear as possible. Try a Facebook posting or a mass email to your buddies and your day should end with you smiling in the company of loyal friends

Cancer June 21 to July 22
Quite unexpectedly, a former business associate may touch base with you, bringing you news of a highly unusual career opportunity. There will be no pressing need for you to take action on this immediately, but your ex-colleague could help you expand your network of professional contacts. It will be possible that you'll receive a spur-of-the-moment invitation to a social event, and even if you have to shuffle your schedule, by all means, go! This may lead to a lucky break for you.


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
It appears that you might find an error in a research paper or project you may have spent hours laboring over, but your ability to look on the bright side will help you appreciate this as a blessing in disguise. By catching this glitch now, you'll surely recognize that you can save yourself from future embarrassment. You'll have ample time to review your work and catch any other hidden mistakes so that you'll be able to submit an effort you'll be deservedly proud of!

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Your meticulous nature will usually prompt you to review your finances on a regular basis, but there could be a misunderstanding about a bank account you share with another party. As your guardian planet, Mercury, will very soon begin its backward orbit, you'll tend to be particularly affected by crossed signals. Diligent attention will be your best strategy during this time. You can mix business with pleasure if you'll ask your partner to join you for lunch and ensure that you're both on the same page regarding your joint resources!

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
It'll be possible that you and your significant other will travel a rocky road in your partnership, and this disharmony will be especially difficult for your peace-loving Libra heart to bear. Your relationship may simply need some extra tender loving care and, fortunately, that just happens to be your specialty! You might suggest a pleasant evening at your sweetie's favorite restaurant, or, if money's tight, you could insist upon doing all the cooking at home tonight, and remember - everything tastes better by romantic candlelight! 

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
Romance will probably be on your mind and you'll have very little trouble finding your heart's desire, thanks in particular to a big thumbs up from lucky Jupiter. If attached, you'll likely enjoy lots of affectionate cuddling with your significant other, and if you're single and open to a relationship, today will be ripe with opportunities. An invitation to a glamorous party looks promising, but you'll want to double-check the address and time, as a muddled misunderstanding might lead you astray and you won't want to miss a minute of fun!

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
A stashed-away home project may catch your attention today and you could feel strongly motivated to pull it out of storage and finish what you started. It'll be likely that you'll see your previous work with fresh eyes and will be inclined to revise it with such innovation that it'll be almost completely transformed! This engrossing activity can offer you a healthy and much-needed respite from the intense energy you've had to put into a professional assignment. Creating something beautiful for your personal use will surely give you a tremendous sense of satisfaction!

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Your home and family will probably call for your attention as it appears that a problem you previously believed was resolved will once again crop up, creating disruption and confusion. You may discover that your best approach to this domestic disharmony will be to adopt a hands-off attitude, and let those who are in disagreement work out their own solution. It could also be possible that a household appliance, computer, or car will go on the fritz, so back up your hard drive, keep up routine maintenance, and rest easy!

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
You could receive a perplexing mixed message today and may put unnecessary effort into trying to figure out its meaning and source. Rather than waste your valuable time, you'll be better off exercising patience because if the matter truly needs your involvement, you'll eventually receive the word when you'll actually be able to do something about it! In the meantime, you'll probably enjoy making plans to entertain guests at your home or can keep yourself occupied with your family and a domestic decorating project.
Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
Problems rarely seem to happen at a convenient time, and you'll possibly have reason to be concerned that a routine household maintenance job will end up costing far more than you anticipated. Try to keep your cool because it appears that whatever the expense, you'll have the means to cover it. You may even receive the benefit of a reliable resource close at hand, as a neighborhood friend might be able to assist you with either personal experience or a referral to an affordable tradesperson!

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