Saturday 10 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
This week you might notice your thoughts seem more jumbled, and your words might not come out exactly as you intend. Mercury, the planet of communication, will turn retrograde on Monday and will remain napping until early April. It will not be an ideal time to sign contracts or have vital conversations. Save important decisions for mid- to late April. Still, Tuesday and Wednesday likely will be glorious for financial and career developments. A work project you have overhauled may finally start to pay off in a big way

Taurus April 20 to May 20
With Mercury turning retrograde this week, you might need to spend time alone with your ideas before expressing them publicly. You likely will have a positive opportunity to reflect on your thoughts and plans to ensure they will produce the results you intended. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you might enjoy a run of spectacular luck. Creative projects will glow. Authority figures based at a distance, possibly working for a foreign company, may bring good fortune for you, as could an official based in academia or the media. Best of all, love will be in the air too. Be ready.  

Gemini May 21 to June 20
You might want to take extra time to explain your thoughts when you socialize this week, as others may innocently misconstrue what you say. Mercury will turn retrograde March 12 to April 4 in the area of your chart that rules groups and friends - the reason you need to take care with what you say and how you say it. The positive side to this is that you likely will run into at least one old friend you may not have seen in ages and may cook up ideas of things to do together in the future. On Monday, the beautiful interplay between Jupiter and Pluto spells a major financial victory that is due to come early in the week.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
Take care this week to clarify your words with authority figures, particularly those who are connected to your profession, for those individuals will listen closely to all you have to say. Generally, however, this week will bring a plethora of opportunity, so if you stay cool and eagle-eyed, you may score a major career victory. Rather than become distracted by the small things that might go wrong here or there, keep your eye on the big picture and on the prize you have in mind. On Tuesday and Wednesday, a breakthrough may come with regard to your career or love (or both), and all comes through the kindness of a friend or partner.


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
On Monday, March 12, Jupiter and Pluto will form a rare, incredibly powerful and beneficial vibration, not to be repeated for years. It could help you see a huge boost in your career reputation. It appears something you had put in motion previously will now bring thunderous applause, generous income, and elevate your stature in a stunning way. You also may want to revisit a project that you put aside due to lack of time or funding. Use the coming Mercury retrograde phase, March 12 to April 4, to your advantage by giving a vital venture a second look to make it the best it can be.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
On Monday, March 12, you may hear from someone overseas with a proposal of major proportions. Investigate all that this person has to say, as it appears the profit potential is big. Mercury, your ruler, will be retrograde from March 12 to April 4, so do not sign anything yet, but continue to talk through the details of any deals. Be vigilant about tax matters this week too, so as not to miss out on a legitimate tax write-off. On Tuesday and Wednesday, your love life will have your heart beating double time.

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
You and your partner might not be on the same wavelength this week - he or she may misunderstand all you have to say. Go the extra mile to be clear and supportive. The signal between Jupiter and Pluto on Monday, March 12, may bring news of major funds coming your way. Certainly any deals you discuss this week could have great business potential but even so, make sure each clause is clear and comprehensive and reflects your wishes. Mercury will be retrograde from March 12 to April 4, so hold off signing for now. Wait until late April.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
This might be the perfect week to revise a project by changing your approach or assumptions. You may decide to take a new position at a company or with a person for whom you worked previously, and if so, things should work out well. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the potential for you to reach an accord with a partner will be likely. Mercury will be retrograde, however, so hold off on officially signing anything until late April. If you have a romantic or business partner, agent, collaborator, or lawyer, you likely will gain substantially through the efforts of this person.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
An old love might come back into your life now, thanks to the turn of Mercury retrograde March 12 to April 4. If you hoped to create a romantic reconciliation, you may have your ideal moment to do so. A creative project that has been pending for some time may now get the green light, much to your delight. On Tuesday or Wednesday, you might receive a payout from a work project.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Expect an opportunity to reconnect with a kind relative you love but whom you have not seen a long time. You likely will be happy to see one another and can pick up exactly where you left off the last time you spoke. Share stories and photos; this could mark a memorable time together. In business, any meeting you have on Monday likely will lead to a profitable deal in time. On a romantic note, you can expect brilliant developments very soon. If you were planning to take a vacation with your sweetheart or spouse, closeness will blossom, and your relationship will feel revitalized. Single? A meeting is near!

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
This week, Mercury will turn retrograde, causing delays and tie-ups in traffic and shipping. If you have an appliance, computer or other item that needs repair, this would be a perfect time to bring it to the shop. It would not be advisable to purchase new electronic devices now. Buying big-ticket items will be best delayed until after the Mercury retrograde, April 13. On a happier note, the interplay between Jupiter and Pluto on March 12 suggests you may soon make a killing in real estate or receive a windfall from a family member.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
Consider this week a golden opportunity to review your income and expenses to find innovative ways to generate more income. Mercury will be retrograde from March 12 to April 4, however, so during that time, payments due you may be delayed. Stay on top of receivables by sending reminder statements. Thanks to an exceedingly rare and positive communication between fortunate Jupiter and powerhouse Pluto, a friend may speak up for you and bring an outstanding career opportunity. This would be one you never would have known about or been able to pitch, had your friend not intervened on your behalf. Bless her heart!

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