Monday 5 March 2012

Aries March 21 to April 19
A marvelous opportunity to speak may present itself. Your house of self has tremendous support for being in the public eye in some capacity. Whether that's through some presentation or simply making a splash at your local restaurant, you are certain to turn heads. You may also make some rather powerful and unusual connections as a result. This is a time when you are really on top of your game and filled with innovative ideas.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
You will be looking good today as your ruling planet will join the planet of optimism and expansion. This would be a great time for falling in love, if that should be an option, or perhaps just feeling really good with your significant partner. You may be quite happy to lounge the day away in luxury. Good food and fine articles of clothing may feel especially comforting to you. It will be a day to relish so take to the streets and enjoy the warm energy.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
That part of you that loves to explore will be in top form as your house of professionalism and co-workers has fantastic activity for curiosity. This may be the day that you stumble upon a wonderful new idea and can't wait to tell your friends. It may be about a group program, or perhaps you'll simply be broadening your career circle through new and unusual contacts. This should be a tremendous time for reaching out to others.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
When you get to the office today you may find things have changed. There is wonderful energy bubbling at the workplace and it may entail bold new breakthroughs or perhaps an unexpected merger or buyout. Either way the excitement should be tangible and thrilling. You may be cast into a new business venture that uses your powerful skills to set the wheels of progress in motion. Innovative, inventive, and alive are all words that could apply to the powerful energy of your house of work.

Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
Exciting times lie in your path as your house of adventure will have positive energy for surprises. This type of energy typically brings about bursts of brilliance and chance. When those two mix, you have the potential for bumping into long-lost friends or making new connections in unlikely places. This would be an excellent time for spiritual discovery as well. The house of adventure is also that of philosophy, so you should do well in that area if you are open to those possibilities.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
You could be in the midst of preparing your taxes for the year that has passed since your house of legal obligations and income is quite lively for that type of venture. You could be in for a surprise. Perhaps as you go through the process you discover an advantageous strategy for reducing your taxable income. This would be an excellent time to use your investigative skills and find those tax breaks. You should look for answers in the detail   

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Your house of other people's money will have supportive energy for a benefactor of some sort. Perhaps you'll be informed of an insurance settlement or some other large organization financial transaction. You also have wonderful electricity running through your house of romance so you could witness a wonderful alliance of two areas of your life - romance and income. Perhaps your significant other will learn of an inheritance and sweep you out the door for some celebrating.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
This would be an excellent time for enrolling in a new health routine. You could be amazed at how successful it could be and how fulfilling the experience may leave you feeling. This will be a time for unexpected results. You may do well to engage your significant other in a similar activity. Your house of romance seems well situated for love and action and what better way to build a stronger bond than to take care of yourselves.
Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
You may be in the midst of a creative period as your house of innovation has excellent planetary energy for developing new ideas and projects. This could be quite beneficial with regard to work as well, so it would be wise to pay heed. You may be quite interested and motivated by a project at work. If so, the flashes of insight would be quite welcome and fortuitous. Your ideas may unfold and leave quite an impact in your house of income

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Your house of family and siblings has a warm and unexpected combination of planets that could bode well for the group. Perhaps you'll receive word of some significant change for a family member. Maybe a promotion or a new career opportunity will come to one of your parents or siblings. This good news could help inspire you in broad expansive ways as your house of creativity will also have great energy with Jupiter and Venus present there.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
This would be an excellent time to work on grants or other fundraising initiatives. Your house of research has wonderful energy for unexpected results. You could be especially motivated to gain some new insight or investigate some new techniques. Perhaps a new website promoting your services or facility would be in order. The more unusual the effort, the more successful the outcome. You could also spend some time improving your home surroundings as you could be quite motivated to decorate and rearrange.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
pisces.jpg What a fabulous time for financial rewards as your house of income will have bold and powerful energy that could deliver unexpected surprises. Perhaps you'll land a new job or receive an unexpected refund. You could also be in line for some sort of achievement award as your house of self has very supportive activity for recognition. Maybe your peers have submitted your name for an award. You will be sitting pretty as the Sun stands firmly in Pisces

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