Sunday 4 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
You probably will hit the ground running on this action-packed day. Fresh and original ideas may give you an intellectual workout, and it appears that you could be ready to turn these progressive concepts into a money-making venture. Your enthusiasm may be contagious, but you could run up against opposition from someone might not share your enthusiasm. You likely will be able to use negative feedback to spot any possible flaws and ultimately fine-tune your plan.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
tauras Look forward to pleasure, parties, and a chance for romance as guardian planet Venus dances into Taurus today. You may feel an irresistible urge to change your appearance and might head off on a shopping excursion. Try to keep a financial cushion, though, because an unexpected expense could nip you when you least expect it. Simple changes - a new accessory, for example - will be all you need to capture attention and compliments

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Get ready to show your smarts. You may be offered a chance to realize your future dreams through your involvement with an organization that supports your career goals. Your professional life might change unexpectedly, so double-check your ability to follow through before you make a commitment. Others may seek your clever imagination and outstanding communication skills, but try to take it slow and exercise discernment with this promising opportunity.

Cancer June 21 to July 22
The upcoming full moon will brighten your communication sector, and you might receive unexpected information that could significantly alter your career path. This may be a potentially risky time for you to make an abrupt decision, as circumstances could change or there could be a misunderstanding over the intent of this proposition. You should be able to take more time by responding to this message with a request for more details, and then you can discuss your options with a trusted colleague and gain greater clarity with an objective opinion.


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
This could be a golden day for you, with Venus, ruler of money and your professional life, riding the crest of your chart, boosting your prospects for a career goal. An unexpected obstacle might delay your anticipated promotion or salary increase, but you should be able to see that delayed gratification can be just as satisfying. In the meantime, you likely will have ample opportunity to follow up on your assignments and may ultimately gain a sweet reward

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
You may be able to travel to an exotic locale, and the cost of your trip possibly could be covered by someone else. One possibility could be that your employer may need you to represent your company at a conference or meeting, and in that case, it appears you could make a favorable impression. Another option may be that your sweetheart or a generous relative may invite you to join him or her on a fun-filled, all-expenses-paid vacation.   

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
You may have a nagging suspicion that your partner has not been completely candid with you, and this uncertainty could set off fireworks in your relationship. Rather than let your distrust get out of hand, it might be time for you to clear the air and directly ask about any secretive activity. You could feel a sense of relief, and you may even feel a little foolish, as it appears that your partner may have received a financial windfall and just wanted to surprise you with the happy news.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
If you hear surprising news through your workplace grapevine, you might want to question any debatable information. Your best strategy may be to keep your ears open and your lips sealed, as this could work in your favor, as long as you are not one of the people spreading unsubstantiated rumors. There may be serious plans formulating behind the scenes, and you likely will be brought into the loop, as your reputation for discretion may be a strong advantage.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
A casual conversation potentially could trigger the beginning of a professional achievement. A colleague may mention an innovative idea, but you might be able to make an intellectual connection with a previous experience and take it a few steps further. More collaboration probably will be necessary, and this particular associate might be an excellent partner with whom to develop and expand the concept. Your willingness to share the glory could be key to your success.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
You can look forward to first-rate conversation around the dinner table as your family or visitors might entertain you with clever chatter. An offhand remark, perhaps by a youngster, could resonate with you, inspiring you to sign up for a community education class that will offer a chance to flex your creative muscles. Whatever you learn as a result may give you a professional boost. It also may be possible that you could make a fortuitous love connection.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Home likely will be your comfort zone today, but it might also be the source of your greatest opportunity. If you own your residence, you may receive word that you could refinance at an attractive rate or sell for a fair price. You likely will benefit almost immediately if you can act quickly, but this could merely be the first of many offers. You might spend the next several weeks reviewing your options, and your patience likely will be rewarded.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
If you and your significant other have experienced a rough patch in your relationship, you should be able to ease the tension with a loving conversation today. It might be a challenge for you to express your discontent, and you may be shocked to learn that something you do upsets your partner. An authentic foundation of trust and affection may make it possible for both of you to put to rest any previously unspoken resentment and start again with a clean slate

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