Sunday 4 March 2012

Ten steps to a healthier life

Simple lifestyle changes can take you towards a fitter and more beautiful you, finds Debarati S Sen

1. Exercise daily and stay active always
Gymming is not something everyone is fond of, and there are people who have a million excuses ready to postpone their gym sessions. Of course, there are also those who have incorporated gymming into their daily life and would not miss it for anything. We all know that exercising in any form is extremely essential for everyone.
Go for the simple ways to stay active - avoid using the lifts and escalators, instead hit the stairs. Do household chores, take your dog for a walk, play with your children, siblings. Even a rigorous dance routine can help you - go clubbing with friends and dance the night away.

2. Eat right and stay beautiful
Making healthy choices in your diet is the beginning of a fit body. Skipping meals due to work and opting for unhealthy fast food option later is wrong says Dr Nupur Krishnan.
Eating smaller helpings is wise and having more than three meals a day is another thing that people should remember.

3. Make 'No Smoking' your motto
Kick the butt! Really. We all know how harmful smoking is and it is time we started taking it seriously. You don't want cancer and other life-threatening diseases, do you?
We know it is tough to give up but then once you make up your mind stick to it. Take it slow. Reduce your intake every single day. Set a goal of 'not more than one a day and then go on to 'not more than one a month' and soon you will see that you are leading a smoke-free life.

4. Break up with stress!
That is just what most of want to do - eliminate stress completely from our lives. But keeping in mind our relentless work schedules and demanding lives, it seems a little difficult. Yoga instructor Keya Ray says, "Practicing yogasanas in our daily lives can help. It not only keeps your body fit and active but it also helps to keep your mind active and alert." And not just yoga but a simple thing like cozying up in your favourite chair, going out for a walk by the sea or walking barefoot on grass can be amazingly de-stressing. Says model-actress Mrinalini Sharma, "I just sit down with a book at home when I want to relax. It helps me unwind."

5. Floss and live long
Studies have shown that people who floss live longer. Dr Karishma Jaradi, cosmetic dentist says, "Often taken for granted, the monotonous task of brushing and flossing our teeth daily is very important. Studies have shown that the health of your teeth can affect your overall well-being and that flossing may help prevent a heart attack or stroke."

6. Beware of pollution
This can be a challenge but you can always try and avoid highly polluted areas. Keep your surrounding green.

7. Stay away from binge drinking
Yes, we know studies have proved that an occasional glass of wine can help protect against heart disease but if you keep guzzling bottles and don't know when to stop then you are inviting serious trouble. Have mercy on your liver!

8. Think positive
Having a positive outlook towards life is essential. Psychologist Seema Hingorrany says, "You are what you think. You should surround yourself with people who are positive in nature - this will help." Avoiding people who are always finding faults is essential.
So think your way to a good life!

9. Spend quality time with friends and family
It is said that when you are spending happy moments with your family and friends then it reflects on your well-being. There is a certain feeling of catharsis. Psychologists say that spending quality time with people who you care about can help release chemicals in the brain that can help you 'feel good'.

10. Sleep wel
lYou may be surprised but adequate sleep can work wonders for your physical as well as mental health. Problems like feeling irritated and grumpy to suffering from body ache and restlessness can be due to lack of proper sleep

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