Wednesday 7 March 2012


Aries March 21 to April 19
Pay attention to your finances since your house of income will look very healthy. You'll be fortunate enough to have the influence of two major planets in that area of your life. The energy of Jupiter combined with the harmony of Venus will bring good tidings and excellent opportunities for income growth. This could be tied to your career, which could also be going through some major reconstruction. This would be an excellent time to find these resources.

Taurus April 20 to May 20
This could be a marvelous time for redecorating and working on any sort of creative project. You may be inspired to add new elements to your life. This expansive feeling could also lead you to pursue new skills such as exploring new areas of study or philosophy. When you combine the urge to create with a powerful urge to expand, you may be surprised at the work you generate. Channel your thought process toward an optimistic goal.

Gemini May 21 to June 20
Your rather inquisitive mind may be drawn into a unique project at the workplace. The ideas may be bold and inviting, but there may be a price to pay for that. The challenges that may arise are perhaps necessary by-products of making progress. Sacrifice does yield results if you can be diligent and responsible with your attitude and output. Be mindful of your thoughts when dealing with family members who might not appreciate your eagerness

Cancer June 21 to July 22
You could expect to have some rather interesting conversations at work. You have marvelous aspects for investigations, intellectual pursuits, and connecting with others. You may appear to be on a mission that could involve your significant relationships in your life. This might manifest as studying or involve communicating, and your intuition will be in peak form. Perhaps you'll be responsible for drafting a proposal for a unique program. You would be wise to follow your instincts.


Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
You may be quite driven to succeed as your house of revenue has marvelous energy for acquiring funds and all things based in finances. Perhaps you are putting in long hours at work in order to meet a deadline. Although it may appear distracting at the time, the effort you put in will surely pay off. Your house of career has tremendous backing for accomplishment and success. It would be wise to pay attention there.

Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Tend to the details and the results you desire are likely as Mars and the moon will pair up in Virgo. You may find yourself taking the initiative and plowing forward with great vigor. You may begin to feel the power of your relationship and start to view it with a different set of eyes. Perhaps you have not expressed your truest feelings, preferring to let others come to their own conclusions. This would be a wonderful time to express yourself. 

Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
This could be a fantastic time to have a good heart-to-heart conversation with your significant other. The emotions will be running high and this might be a good time to find a necessary balance. Equality can be extremely important in a relationship and you may seek solid footing with those you love. You may have sacrificed much over the past few years but your efforts have not been in vain. An open and patient approach will serve you the best.

Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 29
Scorpio You may be in the midst of a testing of your will with your significant other as you work through details of an agreement. Compromise comes when all parties involved relinquish some facet of their views. When that process is equitable, the results tend to last longer. This would be an excellent time to state your views with authority and conviction. Your house of communication has planetary power that can leave a significant impression.

Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Your career may have quite an impact on you lately. Your house of work has powerful, yet relatively fleeting energy that urges accomplishment. You may be extremely ambitious and see great potential for profit as long-range plans seem to fit your financial plans quite well. The day would be ideal for making future plans since your house of income has marvelous support for lasting programs. Be certain to discuss your plans with family members, since it could affect them as well.

Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
An ambitious project may be taking up your time as your house of adventure has marvelous energy for studying and research. This would be an excellent time to work on a writing project that highlights your creative skills. This type of activity bodes particularly well for your occupation house. Although the work may be challenging at times, you'll be making noticeable progress. Others may be aware of your efforts and it should cast you in a good light.

Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Long-range financial plans are favored as your house of other people's money has powerful planetary activity. You might be pursuing a new mortgage or other monetary arrangement and the timing would be good for such a venture. When seeking resources you would do well to spend some time researching new and unusual sources. You might even be tempted to return to the family and see if there may be some interest in providing some backing.

Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
This could be an excellent time for working out matters with some of your partners. The house of significant others will have great energy for ambitious interchange. Mars and the moon will join forces, so simply be mindful of the words you choose. You should do fairly well in this type of situation since your house of communication has very positive and supportive activity. Self-expression may be a vital aid in your path to success.

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